A one-stop shop for your Scoliosis care
The National Scoliosis Clinic membership helps adults reduce pain and improve symmetry with the Scoliosis Solution™

Body Aware
Understanding of your spine’s shape, your pain, and your function including your range of motion enables you to take timely and effective action steps forward based on your current state.
Body Action
Our program incudes a video library of scoliosis specific exercises, including breathing and elongation that reorganize your body so you can fulfill your dreams.
Body Whole
We provide you with the nutrition and mental-emotional support to help your body re-organize faster, and other resources to help you achieve victory.
With a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Do It On My Own
$9.95 / month
Scolio-Pilates video library, and Weekly office hours with Schroth physical therapists and other scoliosis exercise specialists.
Do It With Experts
$24.95 / month
Everything in starter plus 1-on-1 consults with a Scolio-Pilates expert to tailor the exercises to your unique spinal curvature.
Meet Your Guides
Our doctor team from Stanford, Mayo, Duke, Johns Hopkins, and our scoliosis exercise practitioners across the world have worked with thousands of people with scoliosis. In that time, we’ve seen the heartbreaking realities of countless adults who unnecessarily suffered for decades. That’s why we teamed up with several of the top and mission-driven orthopedic physicians in America to develop Scoliosis Solution.

Founder of the largest scoliosis training company in North America & Scoliosis patient

Co-founder, National Scoliosis Clinic, Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University

Health technologist, Scoliosis patient and Scoliosis Solution™ Patient

Heyling is pain free!
“All the knowledge and exercises have given me my life back, I’m pretty much pain-free all the time now.”
Allyson finally gets relief
“Your program has improved my strength, mobility, and flexibility, but it has also given me an overall understanding of how to work with my curves and function on a day-to-day basis. I’m grateful to you for giving me a better my life!”
Starter Membership
Do it on your own
$9.95 per month (cancel anytime)
- Access to a Scolio-Pilates video library to reduce symptoms and build strength to prevent further curvature
- Weekly office hour sessions with Schroth Physical Therapists and other scoliosis exercise professionals, former Scoliosis patients and more to guide you on you on your journey
- Membership resources, including the latest research, nutrition guides, ebooks and more.
This membership is for you if you’re just getting started with spinal care, already have X-rays and understand your curve, and have a nutrition plan underway.
Premium Membership
Do it with experts
$24.95 per month (cancel anytime)
- Everything from the Basic Membership!
- Everything in starter plus 1-on-1 consults with a Scolio-Pilates expert to tailor the exercises to your unique spinal curvature. These sessions are conveniently available on our office hours calendar.